Well we've gone from "Welcome Fall" to Happy News Year! I'm not sure how that happened and it is always a mystery to me how this much time goes by between updates but as one of my many New Years goals, I'm going to work at keeping the blog updated on at least a monthly basis. So now that I've put it out there, you can all help me to be accountable if I'm slacking. Now where do I start?
After October, we were excited to have some "downtime," which really meant we had no official plans on the calendar, so much of our time/weekends were spent heading to Manson (Lake Chelan) to check on the house project, put things together and try to sneak in at least a couple hours of quality downtime. Eventhough there is always a lot to do when we go, it's just a slower paced atmosphere. It's pretty quiet over there especially this time of year. Before we knew it, December was here and Christmas preparations and shopping were underway. We headed to Omak to celebrate both Thanksgiving and Christmas. We extended our weekend stay in Manson through the week between Christmas and New Years, which again found us busy with projects and some working remotely but there is something about that area that takes the edge off.
Capri enjoyed Christmas with all of the family, the Stewart and the Mullins side and found herself pretty exhausted by the end of the weekend from all of the activity and additional sugar intake. She and her cousins, Corbin, Camden and Claire played and played. They were pretty entertaining and fun to watch. I'm not sure if Capri really got the idea of Christmas this year but I'd assume by next year she'll probably understand and be pretty excited. Her gifts from Santa included an Art Easel and a "Little Mommy" set (crib, stroller, high chair and a baby doll). She has really taken an interest in the babies in the infant room at school as we walk by and the baby dolls at school over the past few months. She enjoys tucking them in with her blankets and patting them on their back while she whispers "shhhh baby's sleeping."
Capri's vocabulary has sky rocketed in the past month or two. She is now repeating much of what we say, loves to do her animal sounds and one of our favorites is her "OH NO" with hands on her cheeks. It's not an everyday thing but it's always relevant to the situation when she says it. She can be quite the character. The most recent action in the past couple days is what I would call um, let me see what would I call it? Oh yes, a TANTRUM! So with that, I'll be putting my reading on hold and switch back to the Baby Whisperer for Toddlers book...hahaha.
You may be wondering why I've noted "Happy News Year!" twice now. No it's not a typo but rather intentional. We have news again this year! I'm pregnant and due June 9th! I'm just starting my 5th month (however if you see me don't be shocked...it would appear I'm about 6-7). It's a bit disturbing how fast I'm sticking out there this time but it is what it is! I just tell everyone, apparently my muscles have more memory of being stretched out and relaxed than they do sucking it in. We're not sure what we are having yet but will find out on Jan. 21st assuming the little one cooperates. Ryan and I are debating on what game to play this time. With Capri we played the name game, which has been discussed and is in the running since we do have names chosen. But don't you think it would be more fun to wonder whether it is a girl or boy while we know? Hmmm...we'll keep thinking.
Anyway, now that I've written a book, I'll leave with that and post a few pictures from the past couple months. Here is to wishing everyone a very Happy New Year! Cheers!
Trying out the doll furniture
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