Monday, February 22, 2010

Valentine's Day & this weekend (felt like spring)!

Last weekend (Valentine's weekend), Ryan, Capri and I headed to Chelan for a couple nights for a little getaway! It was great to skip town for a couple days and just relax outside of our normal routine. :-)

This past weekend we celebrated my 29th birthday...again (hehehe)! This was my first birthday with Capri (well outside the womb that is), which was pretty exciting. I couldn't have asked for nicer weather all weekend. It really felt like spring was here! The sun was shining, clear skies and nearly 60 degrees both days! Saturday I spent some girl time with a dear friend doing a little shopping and enjoying the weather. Sunday, Ryan, Capri & I went to breakfast, ran a few errands, TOOK THE BOAT FOR A CRUISE ON THE LAKE (that deserved to be in all caps given that its February and it was a perfect day for little outing), and then we ended the day with a group of friends who brought dinner and cake over to the was a fun filled weekend!

Here are some pictures from last weekend and this weekend (in random order).

We took Boone so he could swim and Ryan gave him a "lake
bath" while we were out (Capri is observing)
It was so sunny we both needed our shades! ;-)

It could almost look like a summer picture
Preparing for the sunny day!

I keep catching just the right lighting to get Capri's reflection.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Capri is 9 months!

Tomorrow is Capri's 9 month birthday already! She is growing like a weed! We just had her 9 month check-up this morning and it went well. She is 20lbs, 27.75 inches tall and her head is tracking steadily in the 90th percentile! We like to think she is just really smart. Hehe! Since Christmas, Capri has been crawling, pulling up and taking a step or two holding onto the edge of the furniture. Needless to say, we are now on our toes a bit more these days! She is also becoming much more vocal as well and her volume has elevated significantly. All in all, she is perfectly healthy and happy and for that we are thankful! Here are some of the latest photos of her. I've also included some from her 9 month photo session this past weekend (note the pink & red with hearts...for the upcoming Valentine's Day). ;-)

9 month photos

Kissing the glass
Capri & her brother Boone after a game of tug of war
Mischievous Coug!
Go Cougs!
Capri likes to help with Laundry
Capri with her new wheels
Capri's new high chair
Capri's dog pose (yoga move)
Capri's new look she gives us - so hard not to give in...