I went into labor Friday night at about 9:15 PM and we headed to the hospital at about 9:45 PM. Labor was going smoothly (well should I say smoothly once I received the epidural) and then as contractions got closer and more intense, Capri's heart rate "tanked" three different times. Though it recovered each time, the doctor didn't think it would be wise to continue with labor and risk more stress on her as she neared her grand entrance so we made a group decision to go with a c-section before letting it get to an emergency situation. The c-section went very well and Capri is healthy and happy so that's all that matters. We just celebrated her 1st week birthday today. We've been home since Monday about noon and have been really enjoying our new roles as parents. The lack of sleep is all worth it when she is wide awake and ready to play in the wee hours of the night. We are trying to take everyone's advice to nap as much as possible when she is sleeping. This has been harder to do than we thought but we are working on it and I'm sure I'll have it perfected in a matter of days. ;-)
It's amazing how much more alert she is everyday since we brought her home from the hospital.
Boone (aka Mr. B) is adjusting more and more each day. He is his same laid back self but seems to be moping around a bit and doesn't like me to get out of his sight. With time, he'll grow to love his new little sister especially when she is dropping food on the floor and tugging on his ears. Attached are a couple of pictures we have uploaded so far but there will be more to come tomorrow.
She is just precious! What a proud Papa! :)
What a cutie,, i am so excited for you.
oh,, sorry,, it is me ERIN!!!
I am so happy for you guys! I know about the C-section! No excercise for a while! You can't even Vacuum! You have to heal! Get lots of rest! We won't be up that way for a while! But I might try to make a trip by myself with Lucetta to see you guys! Yeah! Congratulations!!
Love you guys! Welcome baby Capri!
She is such a doll, I just love to squeeze her and cuddle her. Looking forward to many, many more hugs and kisses. Love you guys!
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