Well hello again! It has been quite sometime since I've been here updating. Capri's new level of acitivity is keeping us on our toes and then of course we always seem to stay busier than busy can be especially with summer here. The past couple months have brought about all kinds of new changes with Capri. She keeps us smiling and laughing!
Here are some of her newer things: at the beginning of June she took her first official consecutive steps. She has taken her time getting her balance and confidence to just take off as speed crawling has been the preferred method of travel. With time she is been walking more and more. Over the weekend of July 18th she started walking beyond just between two people and started to explore. She is fully walking now and cruising all over the place even more so in the past couple days. She is chatting, giggling and showing us more of her little personality, which has been really fun. She has been doing the hand motions to patty cake since about May/June, she gives hugs and kisses (mostly when greeting her friend, Sophie at school), she blows kisses with a very verbal "Bah" sound. She LOVES dancing, moving her hips, shoulders and bobbing her head to the music occasionally. We have little dance parties in the car if I sense she is getting tired of being in her carseat. I'll turn the music on and she'll just get her shoulders going while seatbelted in. It's pretty entertaining! Capri is showing us where her nose, eyes, hair and belly button are. She will repeat what we say on occasion. She loves Boone and refers to him as "Boo" and "B" and we can't leave the house or come back into the house without giving "Boo" a treat so needless to say, he is quite happy about this new routine too. Her other words are Momma and Dadda, Pri (pretty), Pish (fish), Doddy (doggie) and for most other items, she points and loudly verbalizes "ooh ooh," which means she wants to see or touch something...pretty much right now! Her favorite foods are blueberries, strawberries, watermelon, yogurt and bananas. She likes most things so far except she doesn't have much interest in potatoes. She is using both hands with forks and spoons to feed herself. She is getting so big!