So this last month we've been going to the doctor once a week for our check-ups. Two weeks ago the doctor reported that the process had begun. Capri is head down and and slowly making her way. Last week the doctor reported that I had progressed even more and thought she would see us in labor prior to our next appointment this week, which happens to be tomorrow (Wednesday). I'm still here and we are scheduled to see her again tomorrow for another status update. Our official due date is on Monday, May 4th so we'll see if Capri arrives prior to or after the date. It's anyone's guess at this point but our bags are packed and in the car and ready for the main event!
I didn't manage to get a belly photo at the beginning of April. Somehow this month has slipped by faster than I can believe. In it's place for now, I've included a couple of pictures that Ryan took last week of me so these will have to do for now. :-) Also, I've attached some updated photos of the nursery now that our chair finally arrived and we've filled it with all of the little nicknacks and necessities. Oh and you have to check out her closet photos below! This is absolutely unbelievable!